Results for 'Dupe Temilade Otolowo'

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  1. Sponsorship in health promotion.C. Dupe - forthcoming - Substance.
  2.  41
    Out of Context.C. Andrew DuPée - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (1):91-122.
    This paper offers, first, an analysis and critique of John Henry Newman’s theorizing of real assent, in comparison with Jean-Luc Marion’s own phenomenological investigation of Revelation and Religious Experience. In conversation with the results of these analyses, I offer a critique of a certain hermeneutical criticism of Marion’s oeuvre. This, as I attempt to show, dovetails with certain strong criticisms towards Newman’s own interpretation of religious experience, insofar as it highlights the demand for some discussion or theorization of a standpoint (...)
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    Esculape et Dionysos: mélanges en l'honneur de Jean Céard.Jean Céard & Jean Dupèbe (eds.) - 2008 - Genève: Droz.
    This collection of articles illustrates the intimacy between science and literature, pleasure and sense, excess and moderation that Jean Ceard sought to understand and that he instilled in those who collaborated or studied with him.
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  4. ‘Duped Fathers’, ‘Cuckoo Children’, and the Problem of Basing Fatherhood on Biology: A Philosophical Analysis.Daniela Cutas & Anna Smajdor - 2020 - In Daniela Cutas & Anna Smajdor, Assistierte Reproduktion mit Hilfe Dritter. Medizin - Ethik - Psychologie - Recht. Berlin, Heidelberg:
    Who is a child’s father? Is it the man who raised her, or the one whose genes she carries—or both? We look at the view that men who have raised children they falsely believed to be ‘their own’ have been victims of a form of fraud or are ‘false fathers’. We consider the question of who has been harmed in such cases, and in what the harm consists. We use conceptual analysis, a philosophical method of investigating the use of a (...)
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  5. Dupes of Patriarchy: Feminist Strong Substantive Autonomy's Epistemological Weaknesses.Elizabeth Sperry - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):887-904.
    Feminist strong substantive autonomy (FSSA), as presented by Natalie Stoljar and Anita Superson, pronounces judgment on the autonomy status of certain women living under oppression. These women act on deformed desires, Superson explains, and as deformed desires cannot be the agent's own, the women are heteronomous. Stoljar argues that some women's choices violate the Feminist Intuition; by acting on false and oppressive values, these women render themselves heteronomous. I argue against Stoljar and Superson on epistemological grounds. I present six different (...)
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    Devil, Deceiver, Dupe: Constructing John Dewey from the Right.Kelley M. King - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (2):330-344.
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    La satisfaction d'être dupe.Renée Bilodeau - 2001 - Philosophiques 28 (2):381-393.
    Je me propose d'examiner la solution davidsonnienne au problème de la duperie de soi afin de clarifier en quel sens il s'agit d'un acte intentionnel. Après une étude de quelques difficultés liées au concept même de duperie de soi, mon analyse met en lumière que la notion de partition de l'esprit que Davidson emprunte à son traitement de la faiblesse de la volonté ne peut être appliquée de manière satisfaisante à ce nouveau problème. J'indique ensuite que non seulement Davidson mais (...)
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  8. La philosophie des jeunes: nouvelles dupes des vieilles erreurs.Irena Gałęzowska - 1936 - Paris: Librarie philosophique J. Vrin.
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  9. La philosophie des jeunes, Nouvelles dupes des vielles erreurs, Paris 1936. Gałęzowska - 1936 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 13 (2).
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    Mundus Vult Decipi, or The Pleasure of Being Duped.Clancy Martin - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy 39 (3):43-59.
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    Fracture numérique : Ne soyons pas dupes des mots : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Bruno Ollivier - 2006 - Hermes 45:33.
    Quelle est la pertinence de l'expression «fracture numérique» qui sert à désigner des inégalités entre populations, en prenant en compte le niveau technologique, le taux de connectés, le nombre de machines, les budgets consacrés aux TIC, etc.? S'agit-il d'un concept qui pourrait servir à définir des politiques ou des investissements? En fait, il apparaît que la fracture numérique, tant entre les pays du Sud et les pays du Nord qu'au sein d'un même pays , n'est qu'une transposition d'autres inégalités ou (...)
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    Illusion théâtrale et éducation politique dans les Acharniens. Public averti ou public de dupes ?Anne De Cremoux - 2007 - Methodos 7.
    L’auteur cherche à montrer que les passages dans lesquels le poète des Acharniens semble rompre l’illusion et conférer un statut privilégié au public en lui donnant des informations sur la fiction, sont en fait ambigus : le public de la comédie est en réalité, même et surtout à ces moments-là, traité par le poète comme un public crédule. Dès lors, c’est la mission politique que s’arroge la comédie, en prétendant éduquer les citoyens et les rendre lucides, qui est en question.
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    What's so bad about misinformation?Jeroen de Ridder - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2956-2978.
    Misinformation in various guises has become a significant concern in contemporary society and it has been implicated in several high-impact political events over the past years, including Brexit, the 2016 American elections, and bungled policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in some countries. In this paper, I draw on resources from contemporary social epistemology to clarify why and how misinformation is epistemically bad. I argue that its negative effects extend far beyond the obvious ones of duping individuals with false or (...)
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  14. The twisted matrix: Dream, simulation, or hybrid?Andy Clark - 2005 - In C. Grau, Philosophical Essays on the Matrix. Oxford University Press New York.
    “The Matrix is a computer-generated dreamworld built to keep us under control” Morpheus, early in The Matrix. “ In dreaming, you are not only out of control, you don’t even know it…I was completely duped again and again the minute my pons, my amygdala, my perihippocampal cortex, my anterior cingulate, my visual association and parietal opercular cortices were revved up and my dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was muffled” ” J. Allan Hobson, The Dream Drugstore, p.64 The Matrix is an exercise in (...)
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    The pursuit of beauty: the enforcement of aesthetics or a freely adopted lifestyle?Henri Wijsbek - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (6):454-458.
    Facelifts, tummy tucks and breast enlargements are no longer the privilege of the rich and the famous. Any woman can have all these and many more cosmetic surgical treatments, and an increasing number of women do. Are they having cosmetic surgery because they are duped by a male-dominated beauty system, or do they genuinely choose these operations themselves? Feminists give diametrically opposed answers to this question. At the heart of the controversy, or so I claim in this article, lies a (...)
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    The philosophical rhetoric of socrates' mission.Robert Metcalf - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (2):143-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Philosophical Rhetoric of Socrates’ MissionRobert Metcalf"We shall dismiss this business of Chaerephon, as it is nothing but a cheap and sophistical tale [sophistikon kai phortikon diegema]"—Colotes, according to Plutarch's Moralia 14, 1116f-1117a.Socrates' account of his "mission" on behalf of the god at Delphi is one of the most memorable parts of his most famous memorial in Plato's Apology. But it is also controversial as to what it means (...)
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    Multiculturalism Without Culture.Anne Phillips - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Public opinion in recent years has soured on multiculturalism, due in large part to fears of radical Islam. In Multiculturalism without Culture, Anne Phillips contends that critics misrepresent culture as the explanation of everything individuals from minority and non-Western groups do. She puts forward a defense of multiculturalism that dispenses with notions of culture, instead placing individuals themselves at its core. Multiculturalism has been blamed for encouraging the oppression of women--forced marriages, female genital cutting, school girls wearing the hijab. Many (...)
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  18. Lying, risk and accuracy.Sam Fox Krauss - 2017 - Analysis 77 (4):726-734.
    Almost all philosophers agree that a necessary condition on lying is that one says what one believes to be false. But, philosophers haven’t considered the possibility that the true requirement on lying concerns, rather, one’s degree-of-belief. Liars impose a risk on their audience. The greater the liar’s confidence that what she asserts is false, the greater the risk she’ll think she’s imposing on the dupe, and, therefore, the greater her blameworthiness. From this, I arrive at a dilemma: either the (...)
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  19. Deep Disagreement, the Dark Enlightenment, and the Rhetoric of the Red Pill.Scott F. Aikin - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (3):420-435.
    Deep disagreements are disagreements wherein the dialectical conditions for fruitful argumentative exchange do not obtain. One view from within these disagreements is that the other side has been duped or is so deeply ignorant of and complacent with some illusion, there is no hope for exchange. The Dark Enlightenment's critique of liberal democracy and progressive politics (which gave rise to the alt‐right movement) proceeds on this premise, calling their critical philosophy ‘the red pill’ and terming the opposition's program ‘the Cathedral’. (...)
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  20. A note on the naturalistic fallacy.George R. Geiger - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (4):336-342.
    There is a notion, cataleptic in its effects, that discussion in ethics and values must ultimately be blocked by the “naturalistic fallacy.” We can go so far in analyzing the categories of “good,” “right,” “ought,” “valuable,” and the like, but never so far as to embark from the field of logic or general philosophy and enter the alien provinces of science—at least with a visa. To think to reduce moral problems to those of psychology or biology or to those of (...)
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    Ironie et vérité.Mehdi Belhaj Kacem - 2009 - Caen: Nous.
    Là où Françoise Sagan a pu dire que l'humour était la politesse du désespoir, on peut avancer que l'ironie est quant à elle l'élégance du nihilisme. II s'agit d'interroger le nouage étonnamment synchronisé du surgissement d'une démocratisation de la forme ironique avec l'instauration du nihilisme de masse de la marchandise de divertissement. Nous croyons montrer que nous ne sommes pas dupes, mais c'est sans doute là que réside le noyau même de la duperie : nous consommons, en montrant sans cesse (...)
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    Disguise and dupery in the maxims of la Rochefoucauld.Nuno Ferro - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (55):197-230.
    Neste artigo analisa‑se a Máxima de La Rochefoucauld “l’esprit est toujours la dupe du coeur”. O esclarecimento da noção de coração passa por uma análise dos mecanismos do inconsciente, pela investigação do que se entende por corpo e da sua relação com o conceito de coração. Estuda‑se a oposição entre espírito e coração, como formas de “legislação” contrárias entre si, e como se produz o seu apaziguamento.
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    Romain Rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement.David Fisher - 2004 - Routledge.
    This intellectual portrait of Romain Rolland --French novelist, musicologist, dramatist, and Nobel prizewinner in 1915--focuses on his experiments with political commitment against the backdrop of European history between the two world wars. Best known as a biographer of Beethoven and for his novel, Jean-Christophe, Rolland was one of those nonconforming writers who perceived a crisis of bourgeois society in Europe before the Great War, and who consciously worked to discredit and reshape that society in the interwar period. Analyzing Rolland's itinerary (...)
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    Good thinking: what you need to know to be smarter, safer, wealthier, and wiser.Guy P. Harrison - 2015 - Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books.
    Critical-thinking skills are essential for life in the 21st century. In this follow-up to his introductory guide Think, and continuing his trademark of hopeful skepticism, Guy Harrison demonstrates in a detailed fashion how to sort through bad ideas, unfounded claims, and bogus information to drill down to the most salient facts. By explaining how the human brain works, and outing its most irrational processes, this book provides the thinking tools that will help you make better decisions, ask the right questions (...)
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    Les tensions ethniques dans les familles péruviennes coloniales.Bernard Lavallé - 2008 - Clio 27:135-151.
    Au moyen de dossiers traités par les tribunaux ecclésiastiques de Lima et Quito, cet article cherche à débusquer les ruses employées pour contourner les règles non écrites de la hiérarchisation socio-raciale de la colonie. Il montre aussi les systèmes de défense des personnes citées à comparaître. Au-delà de schémas somme toute assez répandus dans bien des situations coloniales, on voit apparaître dans la pratique une certaine flexibilité quant à ces règles, les plaignants plaidant souvent la tromperie alors qu’ils semblent bien (...)
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    Thinking tools 4: How to sound like a guru: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2003 - Think 2 (4):85-87.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here l explain some of the techniques commonly used by ‘gurus’ to dupe people into thinking they have something profound to say.
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    Understanding the moral phenomenology of the third Reich.Geoffrey Scarre - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (4):423-445.
    This paper discusses the issue of German moral responsibility for the Holocaust in the light of the thesis of Daniel Goldhagen and others that inherited negative stereotypes of Jews and Jewishness were prime causal factors contributing to the genocide. It is argued that in so far as the Germans of the Third Reich were dupes of an ''hallucinatory ideology,'' they strikingly exemplify the ''paradox of moral luck'' outlined by Thomas Nagel, that people are not morally responsible for what they are (...)
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    You are not a man, none of you are men! Early Christian masculinity and Lucian’s the Passing of Peregrinus.Eric Stewart - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):8.
    Much recent work on the masculinities enacted by early Christians has focused upon Christian texts and claims about their heroes and practices among elite Christians. Lucian’s Passing of Peregrinus offers another avenue for thinking about early Christian masculinity. Lucian denies Peregrinus’ claim to masculinity on the basis of his over-concern for honour, especially from the masses, his inability to control his appetites regarding food and sex, his being a parricide, his enacting ‘strange’ ascetic practices and his lack of courage in (...)
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    Something to do with Demeter: Ritual and performance in Aristophanes' women at the thesmophoria.Angeliki Tzanetou - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):329-367.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Something to do with Demeter:Ritual and Performance in Aristophanes' Women at the ThesmophoriaAngeliki TzanetouLike his character the Kinsman, Aristophanes invades Athenian women's religious space. He puts onstage for the whole city a religious festival restricted to women. He suggests that women use this occasion to drink and plot against men, and he portrays them as carrying on adulterous affairs and duping their husbands. As a result of this negative (...)
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  30. Advancing the debate on the consequences of misinformation: clarifying why it’s not (just) about false beliefs.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    The debate on whether and why misinformation is bad primarily focuses on the spread of false beliefs as its main harm. From the assumption that misinformation primarily causes harm through the spread of false beliefs as a starting point, it has been contended that the problem of misinformation has been exaggerated. Its tendency to generate false beliefs appears to be limited. However, the near-exclusive focus on whether or not misinformation dupes people with false beliefs neglects other epistemic harms associated with (...)
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    Prediction, Understanding, and Medicine.Alex Broadbent - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (3):289-305.
    What is medicine? One obvious answer in the context of the contemporary clinical tradition is that medicine is the process of curing sick people. However, this “curative thesis” is not satisfactory, even when “cure” is defined generously and even when exceptions such as cosmetic surgery are set aside. Historian of medicine Roy Porter argues that the position of medicine in society has had, and still has, little to do with its ability to make people better. Moreover, the efficacy of medicine (...)
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    The Enjoyment of Being Had: The Aesthetics of Masquerade in The Confidence-Man.J. Asher Godley - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):51.
    Impostors, confidence artists, and artful deceivers seem to have achieved a strange kind of popularity and even prestige in our contemporary political landscape, for reasons that remain elusive, especially given how harmful and socially unwanted such behaviors ostensibly are. Herman Melville’s 1857 novel, The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade, helps us shift our perspective on this seemingly irrational phenomenon because it points out how being susceptible to dupery is linked to the enjoyment of fiction itself. This insight also highlights the importance of (...)
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    Self deception.Béla Szabados - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (September):41-49.
    People do, quite naturally and not uncommonly, speak of other people as deceiving themselves, as being their own dupes. A man's child is ill and growing constantly worse. The father keeps talking optimistically about the future, keeps explaining away the evidence, and keeps pointing to what he insists are signs of improvement. We can easily imagine ourselves deciding that he has deceived himself about his son's condition. Nor is it the case that talk of self-deception is appropriate only in connection (...)
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    A machine learning approach to detecting fraudulent job types.Marcel Naudé, Kolawole John Adebayo & Rohan Nanda - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):1013-1024.
    Job seekers find themselves increasingly duped and misled by fraudulent job advertisements, posing a threat to their privacy, security and well-being. There is a clear need for solutions that can protect innocent job seekers. Existing approaches to detecting fraudulent jobs do not scale well, function like a black-box, and lack interpretability, which is essential to guide applicants’ decision-making. Moreover, commonly used lexical features may be insufficient as the representation does not capture contextual semantics of the underlying document. Hence, this paper (...)
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    Priority to registered donors on the waiting list for postmortal organs? A critical look at the objections.Govert den Hartogh - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (3):149-152.
    It has often been proposed to restrict access to postmortal organs to registered donors, or at least to give them priority on the waiting list. Such proposals are motivated by considerations of fairness: everyone benefits from the existence of a pool of available organs and of an organised system of distributing them and it is unfair that people who are prepared to contribute to this public good are duped by people who are not. This paper spells out this rationale and (...)
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    Ethics and Phishing Experiments.David B. Resnik & Peter R. Finn - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1241-1252.
    Phishing is a fraudulent form of email that solicits personal or financial information from the recipient, such as a password, username, or social security or bank account number. The scammer may use the illicitly obtained information to steal the victim’s money or identity or sell the information to another party. The direct costs of phishing on consumers are exceptionally high and have risen substantially over the past 12 years. Phishing experiments that simulate real world conditions can provide cybersecurity experts with (...)
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    The Use and Abuse of Simone de Beauvoir: Re-Evaluating the French Poststructuralist Critique.Elaine Stavro - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (3):263-280.
    For many years poststructuralist feminists have denounced Simone de Beauvoir as a `universal humanist' who denies sexual difference and inscribes woman in a masculine discourse. Returning to the original exchanges between de Beauvoir and the French feminists of difference, where this dismissive attitude began, it is seen that de Beauvoir circulates in their discourse as representative of a bygone eraan embodiment of all that has been surpassed. Their criticisms of de Beauvoir prove for the most part, glib and disingenuous and (...)
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    On Informational Injustice and Epistemic Exclusions.Abbas Bagwala - 2024 - Synthese 203.
    Information is a unique resource. Asymmetries that arise out of information access or processing capacities, therefore, enable a distinctive form of injustice. This paper builds a working conception of such injustice and explores it further. Let us call it informational injustice. Informational injustice is a consequence of informational asymmetries between at least two agents, which are deeply exacerbated due to modern information and communication technologies but do not necessarily originate with them. Informational injustice is the injustice of having information from (...)
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  39. A (naive) view of conspiracy as collective action.M. R. X. Dentith - 2018 - Filosofia E Collettività 22:61-71.
    Conspiracies are, by definition, a group activity; to conspire requires two or more people working together towards some end, typically in secret. Conspirators have intentions; this is borne out by the fact they want some end and are willing to engage in action to achieve. Of course, what these intentions are can be hard to fathom: historians have written a lot about the intentions of the assassins of Julius Caesar, for example; did they want to restore the Republic; was Marcus (...)
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  40. Could and Should the Ought Disappear from Ethics?Anthony F. Beavers - unknown
    In his 1961 monograph, Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority , the late phenomenologist, Emmanuel Levinas, noted that “everyone will readily agree that it is of the highest importance to know whether we are not duped by morality” (1961/1969, p. 21). What follows thereafter is an extensive attempt to ground a quasi-Kantian existential ethics based on interpersonal, face to face, relations (Beavers 2001). That philosophy should invite such an attempt already signifies that we might be in trouble where ethics (...)
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  41. Nuclear Holocaust in American Films.Edmund Byrne - 1989 - In Carl Mitcham, echnology and Ethics: Research in Philosophy and Technology. JAI Press. pp. 3-21.
    Ordinary people shudder at the thought that people in positions of power might do whatever they think they can get away with. But that is often the way it is in the real world, and the risks go even higher when opportunity is compounded with impatience. The ways of negotiation and diplomacy are not considered entirely outmoded. But more and more we are being duped by a dream of some ultimate technological fix: that one more fancy gadget is all it (...)
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    Par Funding: A Fabulous Fraud Founded in Philly.Edward J. Schoen - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 20:227-240.
    This case describes a recent iteration of the Ponzi scheme originated in 1920 by Charles Ponzi: creating a plausible investment, attracting investors, using the money from more recent investors to pay off earlier investors, and earning a substantial profit, estimated to be $15 million (worth $220 million today).1 While not as big as Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, as a result of which he was sentenced to 150 years in prison and ordered to pay restitution of $170 billion to his victims,2 (...)
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    Résister à l’amincissement du monde.Didier Debaise & Isabelle Stengers - 2021 - Multitudes 85 (4):129-137.
    Certains usages de l’abstraction et une certaine peur d’être dupe régissent nos rapports au monde dans le cadre des épistémologies et des politiques de la modernité. La notion de planétarité contribue-t-elle à amincir notre monde, ou à l’épaissir? Comment l’inscrire au sein d’agencements collectifs qui aident à cultiver une confiance, précondition au développement de pratiques et de savoir collectifs?
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    Marxism versus Bourdieu on domination, consciousness and resistance: An engagement with Burawoy on Bourdieu.Will Atkinson - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 175 (1):63-80.
    Michael Burawoy’s recent book-length engagement with the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu constitutes, at root, a Marxist critique of its inability to conceive of the dominated as anything other than duped and submissive, despite this sitting uneasily with Bourdieu’s own research and political practice later in life. Burawoy wonders whether Bourdieusians will be able to recognise the limits of their master’s thought, and set about revising and extending it, in the same way as Marxists did of their own master. This article (...)
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    A Phenomenology of Tragedy: Illness and Body Betrayal in The Fly.Havi H. Carel - unknown - Journal of Media Arts Culture.
    Many interpretations of David Cronenberg’s 1986 film The Fly read it as a film about monstrosity. Within this framework, the protagonist Seth Brundle’s progressive illness and decay are subsumed under his metamorphosis into a monster. Illness is taken to be a metaphor for the changes in Seth, changes that continuously turn him away from the human and towards the monstrous. Seth’s monstrosity, in turn, arises from the fusion of human and non-human, in this case the fusion of a man with (...)
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    Puissance et impuissance de la réflexion.Vincent Citot - 2017 - [Argenteuil]: Le Cercle herméneutique.
    "Réfléchir à la réflexion, penser la pensée et philosopher sur la philosophie, voilà ce que l'on propose de faire ici. Cette démarche est moins formelle qu'il n'y paraît, car interroger la nature et les exigences de la pensée philosophique engage toute une philosophie. Une philosophie qui n'est pas dupe d'elle-même et qui commence par examiner sa propre finitude. "La dernière démarche de la raison, c'est de connaître qu'il y a une infinité de choses qui la surpassent. Elle est bien (...)
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    Purchasing Priam: Bilingual Wordplay at Plautus Bacchides 976–7.Robert Cowan - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):844-847.
    The conclusion of Chrysalus' famouscanticumcomparing the successful duping of his master Nicobulus to the sack of Troy has often been suspected by critics (Plaut.Bacch.976–7):nunc Priamo nostro si est quis emptor, comptionalem senemuendam ego, uenalem quem habeo, extemplo ubi oppidum expugnauero.Now, if there's any buyer for our Priam, I'll sell as a job lot the old man, whom I have for sale as soon as I've stormed the city.The lines are condemned by Leo, Gaiser, and Jocelyn, but defended by Lefèvre and (...)
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    De Kant à Nietzsche.Jules de Gaultier - 2006 - Paris: Sandre. Edited by Stéphane Beau.
    La postérité, on le sait, ne fait pas toujours dans le détail. Elle distribue les bons et les mauvais points suivant une logique qui apparaît parfois très arbitraire. Jules de Gaultier, philosophe original, lecteur attentif de Schopenhauer et de Nietzsche, surtout connu pour avoir donné ses lettres de noblesse à la notion de Bovarysme, en sait quelque chose. Ayant joui d'une certaine reconnaissance en son temps il est tombé, depuis de longues décennies dans un oubli quasi-total. L'essentiel de la philosophie (...)
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  49. O Skoposti.Mladen Dolar - 2002 - Problemi 7.
    O SKOPOSTIIn o nekaterih z njo povezanih rečehTema in variacijeKAZALOINTRODUKCIJATEMAPRVA VARIACIJA: Asket in potrošnikDRUGA VARIACIJA: Iztrebki in ljubezenTRETJA VARIACIJA: Obresti in viceČETRTA VARIACIJA: Kuga in fantazmePETA VARIACIJA: Zlato in svinecŠESTA VARIACIJA: Antonio in ShylockSEDMA VARIACIJA: Funt mesa in hčiOSMA VARIACIJA: Milost in užitekDEVETA VARIACIJA: Duša in nadjazDESETA VARIACIJA: Les non-dupes errentENAJSTA VARIACIJA: JewgreekBibliografija.
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    Pupils' humour directed at teachers: its types and functions.Klára Šeďová - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):522-534.
    Based on an analysis of 137 texts written by pupils, this paper examines pupils? humour directed at teachers, its types and social functions. The collected data are divided into three categories that describe different modes of teachers as targets of pupils? humour. The first mode describes teachers as unintentionally comical, the second as duped by their pupils and the third as intentional users of humour. The analysis focuses on different functions that pupils? humour directed at teachers fulfils in the social (...)
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